Tuesday, March 1, 2016


My short history as a writer has been a whirlwind. I've described writing before as an addiction. There have been times that I woke early or stayed up late to write. There have been moments when all I could do is think about writing. I've put off other obligations and ignored my family.

Last week the stress of my addiction caught up with me. I have taken the past several days to take a break from writing. Actually, I took a mini break from technology--I *gasp* left my laptop at work. My only link to the online world was five minutes waiting at the bus stop, checking Facebook (trying to check Facebook) on my old crappy phone. I did read a few pages of a novel on my Kindle when I put the kids to bed, but in general I was unplugged.

I missed writing and I have to say that my addiction still lingers. I don't think I can give up writing. However, giving up technology has been great for my relationship with my family. My husband even bought me flowers today. And, my house is cleaner--a bonus side effect.

Lesson learned--technology is great but real life relationships are even better. Sometimes it takes getting disconnected from the internet to make you feel more connected with your loved ones.