Sunday, October 30, 2016

New Blog Site

Thank you for visiting my blog! My new site is I would love for you to visit me there and read what's been happening.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Back to it

It's been a rough month in my personal life. Writing has taken a back burner. I try to sneak in some writing here and there--mostly flash fiction or poetry. I also did a second edit on a novel. I'm debating whether to go back to the novella and rewrite, try to get it to novel length.

Another thing I've done this month is work on networking with my YA audience, building my online presence with those who will become my readers. I have also tried to be more observant with my audience. Life has similar ups and downs as when I was a teen, but the world is very different.

I have been constantly debating the self-pub versus traditional-pub methods of getting my book out. The problem is, I still have way too much self doubt to do either. I'll continue to edit and maybe write another book. I want to get to a place where I'd be happy to share my work beyond the beta readers.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


My short history as a writer has been a whirlwind. I've described writing before as an addiction. There have been times that I woke early or stayed up late to write. There have been moments when all I could do is think about writing. I've put off other obligations and ignored my family.

Last week the stress of my addiction caught up with me. I have taken the past several days to take a break from writing. Actually, I took a mini break from technology--I *gasp* left my laptop at work. My only link to the online world was five minutes waiting at the bus stop, checking Facebook (trying to check Facebook) on my old crappy phone. I did read a few pages of a novel on my Kindle when I put the kids to bed, but in general I was unplugged.

I missed writing and I have to say that my addiction still lingers. I don't think I can give up writing. However, giving up technology has been great for my relationship with my family. My husband even bought me flowers today. And, my house is cleaner--a bonus side effect.

Lesson learned--technology is great but real life relationships are even better. Sometimes it takes getting disconnected from the internet to make you feel more connected with your loved ones.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Praise is Powerful

In my last post, I mentioned writing some flash fiction based on prompts in my writing group. Of the two I've submitted, both were voted best of the week! You can check them out on my "Prose" page. It feels so good to be validated by writing peers. Considering I am inexperienced and uneducated in the craft, I am pretty proud of those wins.

Another bit of validation came in the form of an email this morning from a beta reader. She was the first to finally read my prequel novel "Eyes on Natalie." I started out my morning in quite a bad a bad mood. My youngest was up a lot in the night so my own sleep was really rough. Anyhoo, I got to work and checked my email and got the most beautiful compliment. Basically, she was apologizing for not reading sooner. She had put it off on purpose because she knew it would make her emotional (having already read the novella, "Eyes for Benny.") She said she doesn't usually get emotional when doing beta reading or editing, but was drawn in by my work. She wrote, "You are able to speak, to project feeling and emotion into your writing without the sappy dribble so many turn to. Be very proud of that skill, cherish it because it is a gift." I nearly cried. Totally turned my morning around. It took me a few minutes to recover before I was able to teach my first class. 

All I can say is praise can be very powerful. Thank God for those who have praised my work because it is so easy as a writer to think my own work is trash. Any constructive criticism I receive from my peers cuts like a knife, helpful though it may be. My advice to other writers: have harsh critics to force you to improve but have some praisers in your pocket to help you keep forging on!

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Next Step

So, last week I finally finished the first edit on my first novella. I (gulp) submitted to beta readers. The first response was quick: a couple of typos but otherwise my "manuscript is perfect." First bit of good news! Next day a writer colleague critiqued the first chapter: WHOA! The comments were not complimentary and picked into the nitty gritty. A lot of great advice but I'm not used to such cut and dry criticism. Took me a day to recover but then went through and edited my way through some of the comments. Reader #3: complimentary again (thank goodness). Still awaiting a couple other betas to come through.

In the meanwhile, I've been trying to finish my first full length novel. It started as my first NaNoWriMo work and I've been spending the past week filling in the transitions and holes in the story. I'm pretty proud of some of the writing, but boy is it hard to keep it up for 50,000+ words! I will have to go through and edit harder (did a rough edit this week as I was filling in). I'm debating to put it out to betas first because I want to personally walk away from it for a bit before the hard edit.

The other thing I've been working on this past week (I've been busy) is some short works. You can check some out on my new "Prose" page. The short piece "Crushed" is non-fiction, though the names have been changed. "Mission Accomplished" was my first attempt at flash fiction and is based on a photo given as a writing prompt in my online writers group. One of my Facebook friends has mentioned assembling a collection of short stories for a charity publication and I've been considering this as well. Short works have been fun, but I'm still learning about that format of writing.