Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Back to it

It's been a rough month in my personal life. Writing has taken a back burner. I try to sneak in some writing here and there--mostly flash fiction or poetry. I also did a second edit on a novel. I'm debating whether to go back to the novella and rewrite, try to get it to novel length.

Another thing I've done this month is work on networking with my YA audience, building my online presence with those who will become my readers. I have also tried to be more observant with my audience. Life has similar ups and downs as when I was a teen, but the world is very different.

I have been constantly debating the self-pub versus traditional-pub methods of getting my book out. The problem is, I still have way too much self doubt to do either. I'll continue to edit and maybe write another book. I want to get to a place where I'd be happy to share my work beyond the beta readers.


  1. I understand for I am in a simular situation with my thinking back Tuesdays of my life. But it has taken me a long time to actually publish my memories which I was afraid of at first. You can do it, don't give up trying:)

    1. Thanks so much for the comment! It's a tedious process. When I first started my writer journey the words flowed out of me. The rest is so daunting! I will continue to edit and to write other stuff. I'll just have to be patient with the publishing.
